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Monday, March 21, 2011

Production of GM and Renault Join Bothered Japan Earthquake

TOKYO, - Earthquake and tsunami that struck the Northeast Japan (Tohoku) on March 11, then not only cause the Japanese manufacturers must stop production temporarily.
Apparently, according to the Asian Wall Street Journal (AWSJ), part of General Motors products in the United States (pickup are assembled in Shreveport, LA) and Renault in Busan, Korea South Korea (Renault-Samsung factory), was also disrupted. Because the two producers, using components from Japan.
Meanwhile, Nissan Motor Co, yesterday announced that its factory in Oppama, Tochigi, Kyushu, Yokohama and Nissan Shatai only produce components. "To meet the needs of Nissan products that are assembled outside of Japan plus parts for repair," explained the company on its website. Nissan plans to start production next Thursday (March 24, 2011).
Explained, transmission component still takes time. Meanwhile, Nissan's plant in Iwaki only operate partially. These areas were severely damaged by the quake, including infrastructure. Nissan has not made a decision to operate its engine plant in Iwaki, Fukushima because penututapan nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) in Fukushima Daichi.
He further, in the early stages of production, certainly not at full capacity. Because the other problem faced is the rotating power outages are still ongoing in most of Tokyo and several gas stations were closed.
Meanwhile Honda, said Friday pabrikyang make cars and motorcycles are still closed until tomorrow and the recently opened Wednesday. Further, about 30 percent from 110 in the supply komponennnya derah earthquake which rocked.
While Toyota is only operating the plant to produce components. There has been no further announcement from the manufacturer of the # 1 Japanese, whether it is definitely to start production as planned tomorrow, announced last week.
In fact, the Japanese car manufacturer Mazda is far from Tokyo, is currently also produces spare parts for products made outside of Japan. Mazda factory in Hirossima and Yamagugchi, planned to start opening tomorrow. While Mitsubishi to stop production until tomorrow

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